Friday, November 1, 2019

Getting some Carter-time!

After close to two weeks in Oklahoma, it's finally time to make the six-hour trip to the Kansas City suburb of Lenexa. That's where our oldest son and his family live. That includes our only grandchild, Miss Carter.

Caution: If you don't like pictures of a cute little girl and her love-struck grandparents, don't read any further!

After being on the road for several months, we had to make sure that Carter still knew us. We are glad to say that she did.

The first evening after Carter went to sleep, we helped assemble an IKEA kitchen play set. Forty-six construction steps later, and we're still smiling with the almost-finished project.

The next morning, Carter was so excited about her new kitchen!

Our daughter-in-law is a PA, and she had two days of continuing education to attend. So we happily did some baby-sitting. That includes swinging time in the back yard . . .

or sitting with Granddad in the big swing at the park.

We did lots of book-reading on the couch . . .

and on the floor with her Daddy. She loves books, and we took this picture of her intently listening while our son read to her as well.

Then we were partially in-charge while our daughter-in-law was on a weekend girls' trip and our son was working at the clinic and doing some hospital rounds. We brought our electric piano with us, and Gram is glad to report that Carter loves to sit on her lap and play the piano and sing.

One of Carter's favorite songs is "Old McDonald had a farm" and she would usually greet Gram with a hearty chorus of that song. Because "Gram" is so hard for a 17-month-old to pronounce, we thought that Denisa was going to be the first grandmother ever to be named "E-I-E-I-O."

We're having a great time visiting with our son's family, and it's good to finally get some Carter-time!

1 comment:

  1. The two of you are good at including photos of yourselves in your blog posts as you travel around enjoying the spectacular scenery of our public lands. That being said, I can't help but notice your especially wide grins in these photos which include your granddaughter. I think we'll have to call this "The Carter Effect!"
