Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Two airports with special locations

You can tell how far we are behind on blog posts, when you see that the following picture was taken on October 31. That was the day that Denisa flew from South Texas to Kansas City, and Mark drove from the panhandle of Oklahoma to the Kansas City airport to pick her up. We liked this airport because it put us close to very special people--our son and his family. We liked the October 31 flight date, because that meant that we would get to see our granddaughter in her Halloween costume. Her Mother had worked hard to make the walker, and to put together the appropriate old-lady wardrobe to go with it. But when she turned her hair gray with spray-on shampoo, Carter decided that she didn't want to look like Gram after all. Suddenly she didn't like the beads or the glasses, and she didn't want anything to do with the walker.

We tried to get the cute Halloween picture with her friend the elephant, but Carter was obviously not liking this accelerated aging process one bit! Besides, she's getting some new teeth, and that kind of pain would make any old lady want to ditch her walker.

She much prefers her snuggly monkey to all that Halloween hoopla, especially since she doesn't get to eat any trick-or-treat candy yet.

We stayed in Kansas City for several days, enjoying this precious time watching her grow. We've already mentioned that she loves to sing, and one of her favorite songs is the E-I-E-I-O chorus from Old McDonald. But we learned a song about a boat, and she is really good at singing the opening line of, "Row, Row, Row your boat." The next day Gram asked her if she knew a song about a boat. You could just see her mind working until she brightened and sang out, "E-I-E-I-boat."

We love how the 18-month-old mind works! After a few days, we headed to Oklahoma City for more family time with Denisa's sister and brother-in-law, and our other son and his wife. That puts us close to the Oklahoma City airport for our next flight to a very special location!

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