We asked what he wanted to do on his 3-day weekend stay. He requested lemon bars and a roast beef dinner, and he wanted to learn to play pickleball. We got all three of those requests taken care of quickly, and he thought it was all yummy--even the pickleball.
We also played some late night shuffleboard, and that was fun. I'm not sure the shuffleboard courts have ever been used until 11 p.m. before! He also thought it was great that you could play as many games of pool as you wanted because the pool balls were always left out. He mentioned that senior citizens must be more trustworthy than college students, because he couldn't imagine this system working on a university campus. We also played ping pong, and all the paddles and balls are available all the time too. We played games of speed scrabble and boggle back at the motorhome, and Mema was really happy that we also played pitch at her place a couple times.

We have blogged about the ice cream and the performers that come to the resorts in South Texas. Blake got to experience both when we went to the Magician/Comedian show while we ate our ice cream on Saturday night.
We did some home cooking, but we also tried some new places in the area. Our favorite was Schneider's Guesthaus and Beer Garden in McAllen, with authentic German food and drinks. We chose three different German meals, and the four of us sampled them all. They have great schnitzel of all kinds!
In the course of his visit to Mission, Blake got to experience the extremes of South Texas weather. We had sunny skies and the warmest day of our month-long stay on Saturday, a beautiful cloudy temperature day on Sunday, and then rain and the coldest day of our stay on Monday.